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How To Prevent And Protect Yourself From Getting Locked Out Of Your House

If you have ever been locked out of your house you know it can get extremely frustrating especially if it’s dark and cold outside.

Having an extra key is important to avoid a lockout situation and even if you lose your original a spare key will probably save you.

Hiding The Spare Key Properly

You can give an extra key to someone you trust like a family member or a good neighbor. A fake rock can be a good hiding spot to store your spare key and another option is to put it inside of a lockbox with a digit combination code. 

Avoid hiding your spare key in obvious places like under your doormat or inside of a flowerpot next to your door becuse these are the first places thieves will check out.

Make Sure All Family Membes Have Access To The Spare Key

Make sure your family members know exactly where the spare key is hidden in case they need to use it and make sure they understands that if they use it they are responsible to put it back in the hiding place.