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3 Reasons to Replace All The Locks on Your Home

When You Move in to A New House

The moment you receive the key to your new home is a special day but in the middle of all of the excitement you can easily forget to change all locks. As you don’t know who may have a key. By changing the locks you will make sure that no one but you can enter.

When Your Keys Are Lost

Losing your keys can get very stressful and it is very important to act right away in order to protect your home. Replacing all locks is one way to deal with this situation a cheaper option is to rekey the existing locks and make them work with a new key.

After A Break-In

Burglaries are traumatic experiences and it’s highly recommended to upgrade your home security after having one. Upgrading to high-security locks, installing CCTV cameras and making sure all windows and doors are properly locked is the best way to keep intruders out.